Estrogen is to hormones, as the potato is to carbs. They often get a bad wrap, but can be quite beneficial to our bodies when utilized correctly. Face it ladies, it’s not the potatoes fault you’ve gained weight and it isn’t estrogen’s fault that you have mood swings. When your estrogen levels are properly balanced, she allows you to thrive and exhibit your most wonderful womanly qualities.
There’s so much information out there about estrogen and how bad it can be for us, but the real issue is the lack of understanding. We need estrogen to help regulate various different functions within our bodies - especially in our reproductive system.
For example, estrogen helps:
- Relieve PMS symptoms
- Regulates your menstrual cycle
- Maintains moist vaginal tissue
- Encourages skin health and hair growth
- Protects and keeps your bones strong and healthy
This just names a few of the advantages estrogen provides when our levels are maintained. The list could go on and on, but reality is - not many women have their hormones balanced properly.
Estrogen isn’t the real enemy, chronic stress is.

Chronic stress, among other things, can lead to estrogen dominance which is seen time and again in high-achieving women such as yourself. Though our bodies were created to handle stress from time to time, we aren’t made to handle stress 24/7. It’s like the friend you can only handle in small doses, but next thing you know they’ve moved in and you can’t get away.
When you are under high-levels of stress on an ongoing basis, your hormones become unbalanced and your body begins to produce more estrogen than you need, thus the bad wrap. It’s trying to compensate for your highly stressful, unbalanced life.
Not only is chronic stress an issue, but so are xenoestrogens which are found in your make-up, lotions, plastics, and even store receipts. These chemicals act like estrogen when absorbed into the body which do drastically impact your hormone levels.
So, is it really the estrogen or is it estrogen dominance?
To avoid or correct a state of estrogen dominance, here are few tips I share with my patients and clients alike to recreate a healthy, balanced relationship with this hormone.
1. Fix your diet.
The best place to start is always your diet. Food is medicine and many times you will begin to find that what ails you can be addressed by what you place in your mouth. Here’s a book that may help you to use the earth’s vitamins and minerals to re-balance your hormones.
2. Address your stress.
I get it, we are all stressed. It’s nearly impossible not to be when you’re building a career, raising a family, keeping the household running efficiently, and completing the daily laundry list of tasks. To combat estrogen dominance, however, you must learn to manage it. Some of my favorite practices include: gratitude journaling, baths with epsom salts and essential oils, yoga, meditation, grounding, and forest bathing.
3. Avoid utilizing hormone-based birth control
Many women start relying on birth control at a young age to control their periods and PMS symptoms, but this typically turns into a hormone dysfunction nightmare years down the road. Try more natural remedies to address PMS and avoid pregnancy. Your body will thank you later.
4. Watch the soy.
You have to be careful to look at the food you eat, even when it’s organic, check for soy and other soy pressed oils that affect your hormone levels. Foods like tofu, edamame, and protein bars are all deemed healthy, but the added soy can do more harm than good.
5. Look at your personal care products.
Get rid of those harmful xenoestrogens by scrutinizing your make-up, perfumes, lotions and other personal care products and replace them with one of these non-toxic versions.
If you’re looking for a more tailored approach to addressing your hormonal symptoms, I am here to help guide you on a more personal level. I work with women like you who are ready to take back control and need more guidance to understand and apply the tools that will enable them to live a healthier, happier life.
Curious how I work with women to achieve those amazing results? Schedule your Curiosity Call today to learn more.