Does this sound familiar?
Day in and day out you’re going nonstop. You’re taking care of everyone around you first and supporting yourself just enough to get by.
Your days are long, exhausting and you feel like you’re constantly “on”.

I get it. I was there too. That constant stress and anxiety of trying to keep all my ducks in a row on a daily basis was exhausting. I left my stressful office after ten hours for my stressful home, just to do it all over again the following morning. As for the weekends, days off were never really days off at all. I would run around playing catch up on chores and errands to be ready for the following week. I never got off the hamster wheel until my body forced me to stop and listen.
I was that woman and that mom - until I found functional medicine.
One day, your world gets rocked and you realize you and your family need something to change and you need it now!
Some call it an “ah-ha moment” and others call it a “nervous breakdown”. We all experience this differently. It happens to us all, in one way or another, at some point in our lives because we aren’t made to constantly do everything for everyone.
I first started practicing functional medicine over three years ago when I hit my “breaking point”. I needed to do something to break the cycle we were in.
I was that woman and that mom - until I found functional medicine.

My oldest son was young and spending
long hours in daycare. He was sick all the time and it was draining all three of us and we realized that something had to change. I thought that as a trained Physician Assistant I was equipped to handle this sort of thing, but reality showed me that I needed something more. My son needed something more.
I started using essential oils to help build the whole family’s immunity and was astounded at how well they worked! They were my gateway to a world unknown.
Over the last three years, I’ve used multiple functional medicine treatments to support and treat my sons, my husband and myself. I haven’t been able to keep my mouth shut about this “other side of
medicine”. I’m constantly sharing my knowledge and experiences with patients to help them find the true cause of why they feel the way they do. Ultimately, this has led to finding lasting, sustainable
treatments. Making this type of impact is why I went into medicine in the first place.
The philosophy behind functional medicine is to understand the true root cause behind the symptoms you may be experiencing. It is a systematic approach to uncover the underlying causes of a “dis-ease” versus repeatedly trying treatments that just place a “band-aid” over the symptoms themselves.
Functional medicine has changed my life, my family’s life and the lives of my patients.

I’m sure you’re thinking that I’m crazy, my colleagues think I’m crazy too. Most practitioners would
say that treating anxiety with amino acids, boosting immunity with essential oils, or detoxing to help
brain health and function is insane. I used to think the same thing. I rolled my eyes at those who
placed lavender on their psoriasis.
Now, these methods are my go-to to help my family and yours. We all have a story. Your story matters just as much as mine. It’s time you start thinking about your health differently. Conventional practices are failing those with chronic symptoms. It’s phenomenal for emergencies and acute problems, but doesn’t address “the why” behind vague, nagging, long term issues.
Are you chronically fatigued? Are you having hormonal issues and you’ve just been told to “reduce
your stress”? Is there an underlying thyroid issue that hasn’t been caught yet?
How can you be revitalized and have more energy so you can really accomplish your dreams?
There is a way to remove the misunderstandings and confusion. I’m sure, like me, that you’ve expe-
rienced the frustration of knowing you feel something but getting labs back that show “everything is normal.” Maybe you’ve been passed from specialist to specialist like I have, feeling like you’ll never get to the bottom of your issues. Maybe your practitioners have even told you that, “it’s all in your head.”
Leave the old way behind and join hands with me in the new way for success. Is functional medicine the answer? I know it is. I’m a healthier and more sane woman because of it, and you can become one too. If my story sounds familiar to you and resonates with how you’ve been feeling, click here to learn more about how we can work together. It’s time to break the cycle you’re in and find the answers you’ve been looking for. You can achieve true health, maybe for the first time ever!
Are you ready to see functional medicine in motion? Follow me on Instagram @laurenzajachealth and see how I implement tips, tricks, treatments, and products into my family’s daily lives.

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