Detoxing has become a mainstream concept and an en vogue practice in the last decade or so. Celebrities are often quoted praising the benefits of cleanses in magazines and on social media. The public seems to understand the general concept of detoxification as the removal of toxins from the body. There seems to be a disconnect in understanding what is a fluff cleanse and the type of detox that will provide true benefit.
I have met with many patients and clients alike who don’t think they need to detox. They say, “I’m not exposed to a lot of toxins, so why would I need to do that?” Because they eat their fruits and veggies and stay away from carbs, live in the suburbs, and don’t work in an industrial setting, they think they are in the clear. How do you rate? What’s your lifestyle like? You might have the same feelings as most, I certainly did. Once I researched what toxic chemicals actually were and where they were found, I was shocked and horrified. My life was changed forever.
We all have a level of toxicity in our body, so ongoing detoxification is essential to maintaining true health.
Think of it like this:
Our bodies are like a glass of water. Everyone, including me and you, are born with a certain amount of water (or toxins) in our glass already. The amount of water that we have in our system at birth can be attributed to our genetics, what we are exposed to in utero, and other external environmental effects. Some may be born with only 2-3 ounces of toxins in their glass, but others are born with 14 ounces. If we have a 16 ounce glass, there isn’t much room before the water spills over.
When our glass (or body) becomes too full, we begin to experience any number of symptoms. You may be having a hard time focusing, suffer from daily headaches, brain fog, increased anxiety, mood swings, constant fatigue, the list is endless. These symptoms might be tied to an inciting event or could have appeared suddenly without warning.

Without testing, you don’t have a clear picture of the amount or types of toxins in your “glass”, how will you know when your glass is about to overflow?
Detoxification is the best way to reduce the amount of toxins in your body.
This can affect our children too, often with earlier and more dramatic impairments. According to a study done by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), and others performed by the CDC, there have been up to 287 known chemicals found in the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies, and of these 287 chemicals, 180 of them are known to cause cancer. My youngest son was 2.5 years old when 72 hours after a routine preventive measure he could not talk. He went from speaking clearly and with fluidity to stuttering and ticking excessively. It was sudden, shocking, and gut wrenching. Since that fateful day I’ve been working diligently to help him reduce the amount of toxins in his “glass”.
It’s important to understand where toxins come from and how to eliminate them properly from your system as not to disrupt the system and cause further issues. Spoiler Alert: the act of cleansing isn’t going to do it. It’s a nice start and a way to temporarily feel healthier and more energized, but the effects don’t last long enough to make the impact you’re looking for.
You have to understand the amount of toxins that exist around you to appreciate the need for a thorough detoxification process.

Toxins can come from an extensive amount of sources including food, water, air, plastics, cash receipts, air fresheners, household cleaners, perfumes, shampoos, lotions, and makeup to name a few. You may think, the toxin levels are so low in some products that they can’t hurt you. Do you really know how much is building up in your “glass”?
Imagine this:
Yet again you have your 16 ounce glass signifying your body. You add a drop of red food coloring to the water. That one drop dissolves without changing its color. As you continue to add drop after drop of the dye, the water turns a light red and gets darker with each drop. The cumulative effect of each of those drops (or “small amount of toxins) negatively impacts your body. If only one drop of dye was being squirted into your glass daily, it would take a lot longer for us to become toxic, like old age, but that is not what’s happening. Many drops are being added daily, causing the significant rise in chronic diseases, especially those that our bodies should not be dealing with until many years later on in life.
If cleansing isn’t good enough, then what detox process is?
To really allow your system to fully improve by releasing the toxic build-up that exists, you need a strong and methodical detoxification process. As I write this piece I am currently halfway through a 90-day 3 phased cellular detox. That’s right. A 3 day cleanse is nice, but it’s not going to give your body the deep cleaning it needs for you to get lasting results that will impact your health long term.
Think of your body as your home. If you know your in-laws are coming to stay with you for a week you don’t just power wash siding, bricks, or stones that make up the home’s exterior. You and I both know that you spend the week before cleaning every inch inside your home (mostly to avoid the judgement and snarky comments, am I right?).
You need to treat detoxification the same way. You need to work systematically to ensure that you are fully allowing your body to open up the detox pathways to be able to remove toxins that are hiding out in the fat tissues. That’s right, you can’t just pee them out. Don’t consistently settle for a surface level cleaning that a 3, 5, even 14 day cleanse provides. You deserve long lasting health that is facilitated by a 3, 6, or even 12 month detoxification program that is coupled with personalized support. This will ensure your own specific health needs are being taken care of and guarantee success.

Important things to remember about detoxification:
- We are all born with toxins already in our system.
- Waiting to find out when your “glass”, or body, will overflow with toxins is like holding a ticking time bomb, waiting for its detonation.
- Toxins are everywhere and unfortunately absorption happens constantly, we just don’t know their impact on the body until it's too late.
- Cleansing your system with a short juice cleanse won’t cut it when it comes to long lasting results for your health.
- Detoxification is a necessary and consistent process we all need to go through to address the toxin overload we put on our systems daily.

Now is the perfect time to take care of yourself so you can take better care of those you love.
It’s time you consider adding a personalized detoxification process that will impact your health for years to come and will allow you to love your happiest, healthiest, and most fulfilled life. It’s not just about enriching your life, but that of those you love around you as well.
Did you know that the proper detoxification process can help you uncover the root cause of symptoms you’ve been having for years? This happened to me, and could be happening to you too. When I was in my mid 20s I decided to “protect” myself from harmful strains of a sexually transmitted virus as recommended by my medical provider. Little did I know, the decision I made then has had dramatic lasting effects on aspects of my mentation. I was not aware that my body is genetically predisposed to holding onto certain toxins and heavy metals and not eliminating them. I unknowingly already had a high level of heavy metals in my system, so with that insult, my “glass” overflowed.
If I knew back then what I knew now, I would have made a much different decision. I am committed to helping more women understand that expanding their knowledge and awareness around toxins will empower them to make better choices for themselves and their families.
Knowledge is power. The more you know, the better equipped you will be to make decisions that can dramatically impact your family’s health and wellness now and for generations to come. Just like anything else, it’s a process. You have to take time to learn first so you can make informed decisions. It’s time to start taking action.
Are you ready to expand your knowledge and learn the right way to detox for lasting health results? Join me on July 28th when I speak on the Powerful and Passionate Healthcare Professionals educational Summit and learn more how detoxing is vital to our health. Contact me today to learn more.
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